Wilting vegetables but still more nutritious than a Lean Cuisine

If you can’t eat it, juice it

We all know we should be eating more vegetables, especially green ones. For most of us, this is an almost impossible task because they don’t taste so good. It’s too bad because vegetables are full of micronutrients that our body so desperately needs in order to develop, repair and protect. In our current society, we…

Coffs Harbour Basketball

Coffs Harbour Basketball Review

Do you live in the mid-north coast region and have mad basketball skills? Are you thinking about taking your talents to the Coffs Coast? We’ll if you’re seriously considering it, then stop right now. Coffs Harbour basketball is just plain pedestrian, and it has been for over 10 years, which is about how long I’ve…

Varied Nutrition

Do my protein requirements increase while weight training?

No. Protein requirements do not increase while weight training. There is no evidence to suggest that supplements are required for strength gain or optimal muscle growth. In fact, strength training actually trains the body to become more efficient in the use of protein, which reduces the dietary protein requirement. Strength-trained athletes should consume protein consistent with…

Junk masquerading as food

Food Addiction

Addiction is detrimental to your health, no matter what substance you’re abusing. Most substances that are addictive are regulated by the government, except for the one that is most abundant and is causing the most problem, food. Do you ever ask why it’s not regulated? Do you care? How about your children, do you care about…

Wilting vegetables but still more nutritious than a Lean Cuisine

“Starvation” is making us fat

With the abundance of processed food on offer in the supermarket shelves and limited supply of fresh whole food, it’s becoming more and more difficult to make the right choices when it comes to eating right. Coupled with the fact that most food processing methods strip the nutrients out of wholefoods, we’re basically presented with…

Six pack abs

There’s nothing healthy about a 6 pack

6 pack abs that is, yet magazines, websites, and TV shows that are supposed to know about health and fitness are littered with images of men and women sporting well defined abs that brainwash us into thinking that that’s the ideal benchmark. What they fail to tell you is that looking like what they portray as…

Home gym

Train, hail or shine

Nothing gets me more annoyed than to hear someone say that he/she don’t have time to train 30 mins, 3 times a week. Really? You can’t spare 1.5 hours a week for your personal wellbeing. I bet you spend more than 1.5 hours sitting down watching TV or playing with your mobile phone. It’s a…


Hunger is a disease

Hunger is a recurring disease that must be treated properly in order to avoid complications later on. It must be treated with a variety of natural, clean, preferably organic food and water. The problem that most people have is that they treat this illness incorrectly. The most common mistakes people make in regards to hunger…

Get up and move!

Get up and move!

The human body is an amazing collection of various complex systems and sub-systems. It’s designed with movement and a lot of it in mind. Not just simple movements, but movements that are intense enough to cause muscle contractions. You see, prolonged periods of inactivity can be harmful to your health because you’re depriving yourself of…