Why are so many people fat?


Dan lost 15kg in 5 months through simple exercise and removing bacon from his diet.

The answer to this question is pretty obvious. In today’s society, gluttony and overindulgence are accepted and celebrated. In Australia, like America, we got accustomed to seeing fat people everywhere. You see someone in shape and think, what’s wrong with that person. Tables have been turned in a way that jokes have evolved from “You’re mumma is so fat…” to “Don’t tell me you’re going eat that?” (While pointing to a fish with the head on laughing).

Why is gluttony celebrated?

Because the more you consume, the more you buy and buy regularly. Big businesses want us to regularly eat more. It lines their pockets with more money. Over the years, they’ve strategically brainwashed consumers, through various mediums, into thinking that they need more than their basic necessities. They make food tastier, by adding ingredients that are bad for you like tons of sugar and salt. What’s worse? They add stuff like nasty preservatives to make it last longer in the shipping containers and on supermarket shelves. They add colours which harm our wellbeing to make food more attractive. We forgot what real food actually look like. We make bad choices like picking a perfect looking yellow banana laced with harmful pesticides, over a slightly bruised organic banana.

Overindulgence is big business… and it’s beginning to show.

Let’s change the world by starting with what and how much we put in our mouths.

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