Eat to live, not live to eat

Eat to Live

Eat to Live

My mum is a great cook. Her cooking is delicious and you always end up eating too much. I remember when I was much younger, something happened to my mum’s cooking style. It started tasting bland.

It turned out that my mum’s doctor advised her to cut down on salts, sugars and fats because she had high blood pressure. She was given an ultimatum and naturally, it translated to her cooking.

I remember being really angry and frustrated because the meals she prepared just weren’t the same. My frustration was shared among other family members, my dad, brother and sister. We demanded that she revert back to her traditional way of cooking.

But my mum persisted… and the family eventually got used to her new style. It took a while but we started to enjoy meal times again. My mum’s blood pressure returned to normal range without the need for medication.

This story taught me a valuable lesson.

Eat to live, not live to eat.

We can gradually cut down on salts, sugars and fats to the point that we enjoy food for what they are, energy. It takes a while to retrain our palettes but the benefits are enormous. The first thing you’ll notice is that you will stop craving junk food.

On most occasions, I only eat what and when my body requires. To this day, I eat mostly foods that are bland (for most people, not me), but are natural and highly nutritious.

After all, I’d much rather sacrifice a bit of taste and flavour in order to feel and look better. How about you?

One thought on “Eat to live, not live to eat

  1. Jen,
    Like anything in life, if we do it gradually then we won’t even notice the difference.
    After a while we notice the real flavour of food and appreciate it 😉

    Thanks for commenting, Ariel.

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