You don’t get a flat stomach by doing sit-ups

Flat Stomach

Flat Stomach

I know a few people who try to lose their gut by spending hours in the gym doing a series of sit-ups and crunches and nothing much else. If you’re one of these people then you need to stop doing crunches or sit-ups immediately. You see, isolating your midsection does nothing more than “polish up” an already flat stomach to give it that “showroom” look. If you got a lot of fat in your midsection, then you are wasting your time doing sit-ups.

Start by cleaning-up your diet, and then supplement it by doing light exercise like walking, bike riding or swimming. Gradually increase the intensity of your workout while improving your diet even more. Exercise your mind by constantly resisting the temptation of overindulgence. You see, one does not simply get fit and stay fit by doing one or two of the following:

1. Clean diet
2. Exercise and recovery
3. Healthy mind and soul

You can probably lose weight and look good by doing 1 and 2 above, but you’ll find that most people who neglect 3 will regress and put weight back on. Practice doing all three in unison, start small but aim big. Gradually increase the intensity. Move forward and never look back. Eventually you’ll arrive at the summit where you would have reached your natural true potential and you will look and feel wonderful.

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