Losing fat while she sleeps

Burn fat while you sleep

It’s one of those things that sound too good to be true but your body is probably already burning fat while you sleep to a certain degree. The trick is to maximise the efficiency of the fat burning phase. Our body stores energy as glycogen in our liver and muscles as the secondary long term…


Top 5 reasons why you should avoid sugar

  1. Eating sugar increase your insulin level The higher your insulin, the more likely you are to store fat because insulin is the main hormone that puts fat into fat cells. Anything that drives insulin up will drive weight gain. 2. Sugar can accelerate ageing When you paint your barbecued meat with barbecue sauce,…

Aerobic vs Anaerobic Workout

Aerobic vs anaerobic workout

Aerobic (cardio e.g. running) exercise is a very popular due to the fact that you lose massive amounts of calories during the exercise itself. Anaerobic (interval training e.g. weight lifting) exercise on the other hand, burns less calories during the workout in comparison, but is partly offset by the higher increase in caloric expenditure that…