Hunger is a disease



Hunger is a recurring disease that must be treated properly in order to avoid complications later on. It must be treated with a variety of natural, clean, preferably organic food and water.

The problem that most people have is that they treat this illness incorrectly. The most common mistakes people make in regards to hunger are:

1. They overreact to hunger and overeat.
2. They treat hunger with a “quick fix” like a sugary snack (or simple carbohydrates) or a “liquid” meal.
3. They only eat their “favourites” which result in not having enough variety in their diet.
4. They eat mostly processed food.

Food is medicine. When I say food, I mean food in close to their natural unprocessed form. The rule of thumb I almost always follow is to eat clean and consume watery foods first i.e. eat foods that get digested quicker first. That way, energy gets regulated better so you’re hungry less often.

For example, if you’re starving and you got an apple, but you really want a chocolate bar. Get the chocolate, eat it, and then eat your apple immediately after. Don’t dare skip the apple or you’ll end up wanting to snack shortly after. Or, you can just eat the apple and skip the chocolate bar altogether.

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