Train, hail or shine

Home gym

Home gym will liberate you!

Nothing gets me more annoyed than to hear someone say that he/she don’t have time to train 30 mins, 3 times a week. Really? You can’t spare 1.5 hours a week for your personal wellbeing. I bet you spend more than 1.5 hours sitting down watching TV or playing with your mobile phone.

It’s a bitter irony that entraps more than 50% of the population in modern society.

Let me explain.

The human body is metabolic. In lame man’s terms, it means that the more we do something the better we get at it. The more we sit around, the more our body wants to sit around. The opposite is also true, i.e. the more we move, the more we want to move. In reality, if we spared 1.5 hours a week training our body, we would have more energy to do other things. If you do a lot of sitting around, it is extremely difficult for you to want to move because your metabolic baseline is very low. The only way to move that baseline up is to introduce movement very slowly at first, but progressively increase it at a steady rate. Once your metabolic baseline is high, you’ll find that it’s very hard for you to do too much sitting around.

There are 24 hours in a day. We need about 8 hours sleep. That gives you 16 waking hours per day, 112 hours per week. Deduct 40 hours if you work full time, you still get 72 hours. Seriously consider allocating 1.5 hours out of that 72 to training. That’s only 2% of your “free” time. You’re body not only deserves it, but needs it.

Trust me, there’s always time to do that. You just got to want to do it.

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