“Starvation” is making us fat

Wilting vegetables but still more nutritious than a Lean Cuisine

Wilting vegetables but still more nutritious than a Lean Cuisine

With the abundance of processed food on offer in the supermarket shelves and limited supply of fresh whole food, it’s becoming more and more difficult to make the right choices when it comes to eating right. Coupled with the fact that most food processing methods strip the nutrients out of wholefoods, we’re basically presented with an endless selection of tasty meals that have little to no nutrition of value.

The packaging may look different but these processed foods only provide basic nutrients required to stay alive. We fill our stomachs with the same fuel day in and day out, all the while our body gets so efficient at processing these same cuisines. Food gets digested quicker that we can eat them, so we get hungrier quicker, resulting in more meals over the day. More meals mean more insulin, more insulin means more fat.

What our body is looking for are micronutrients that are found only from fresh vegetables, especially green, and fruit (two servings max daily). These micronutrients are the basic building blocks to maintaining a healthy body. If the body doesn’t get these micronutrients then it goes into starvation mode and becomes more inclined to store food as fat.

When was the last time you ate green leafy vegetables?

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