“Ching Chong Chinaman”


It may seem harmless especially if addressed by a child to someone of Asian appearance but universally, it is received with a surprising blow to an Asian persons’ self-worth and sparks anger and rage that is primal and Deep-Seated. Educate yourself and read the history books about the term “CHING CHONG” in order to learn as to why this is unacceptable, yet it is still tolerated by society to this current day.

Why is that?

It’s time to abolish this crap and it starts at home. Speaking to anyone in a degrading manner because of their gender, race, first-language, skin colour, physical appearance, disability or ability is downright unacceptable. Our education system needs to support this so that educators can educate without bias.

Break the cycle and teach our young while they’re young. It is hard to unlearn things when we are older.


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