A Message to My Teenagers

Please clean your room. Remnants of your gluttony and overindulgence from the aftermath of last night’s sleep over is highly visible this morning. By the way, you probably consumed 40 grams (10 teaspoons) of sugar each last night just from that 1.5 litre bottle of ice tea you shared between the 3 of you, which explains why you were intolerably loud while your Mum and I were trying to sleep. Coupled with that large family bag of corn chips and whatever else, it’s no wonder you were buzzing up to 2am this morning. I’m not going to tell you once more that too much sugar is bad for you. I told you enough about that in the past. In fact, this blog has a handful of educational articles about sugar addiction (https://xbyx.co/tag/sugar/) just in case you need a refresher. Feel free to read them instead of trawling through mindless social media feeds that doesn’t add to your self-worth. I actually posted a relevant quote on Instagram about this in the past:

Social media is the new “cancer” like cigarettes of the past. It makes people feel “connected” when they’re actually #ISOLATED which can result in #depression and all sorts of new #diagnosis#idontcountlikes
Soource: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtnHjA1FGMS/

You left in hurry this morning and I allowed it.  I should have checked around first before saying yes so you would’ve been held accountable for your actions or lack thereof. I guess your FOMO prevented you from ensuring that your personal space is in order before you rushed off. As your parent, I shouldn’t have to prompt you to do these things as you are old enough to have a bit of autonomy.

Anyway, my message for you today is this – “Internet is off until your rooms are clean to a high standard”. That time away “disconnected” will do wonders for your brain. Go on, reflect and be great while you clean your room.

You’re welcome.

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