The closer to the tree, the better for me

All natural fruits

All natural fruits

A lot of people who embark on the journey to get into shape for whatever reason usually signs up for a gym membership. Some buy a brand new bike or some sports equipment and swear that they’ll use it every day.

Big mistake.

Why? Because usually, they end up regularly going to the gym (or use the purchased equipment) religiously for the first month or so. They run out of puff and ultimately end up paying for something they don’t use. First and foremost, they should be correcting their diet. Eating the right amount, of the right food, at the right time will help you look and feel better without doing a lick of exercise. What we eat accounts for over 50% of how we look and feel. Doesn’t it make more sense to start with what we put in our mouths before paying for an expensive gym membership? Better still, let’s start by looking at what’s inside the fridge and food pantry. If you see a lot of packaged, unnatural food, then something needs to be done about it, ASAP!

A good rule of thumb to go by is in the phrase “The closer to the tree, the better for me”. Choose food that are in, or close to their natural form. For example choose an apple over packaged fruit puree, fish over fish fingers, or chicken over chicken nuggets. You see, processed food are stripped of nutrition that is normally there when food are in their natural form. What’s more, processed food are usually loaded with stuff we don’t need like preservatives and/or artificial ingredients. These unnatural products are not digested by our body but are stored and accumulated in stores throughout our body. Eventually, the adverse effects of storing unnatural compounds show up as various illnesses like headaches, mood swings, irritability, lethargy, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, some people get some success by flogging their guts out at the gym up to 7 days a week. Some even start running and cover over up to 30 kilometres or over per week. Who’s got time to do that. What’s more, doing too much will eventually take its toll on your body.

We need to be smarter and do things more efficiently.

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