You’re doing it wrong



It comes as no surprise to me that people who have no regard for the environment and litter usually have no respect for their own body. They’d much rather toss rubbish out of their car and into the environment in order to keep their car clean.

Guess what? If you’re one of them, then you’re doing it wrong.

Rubbish does not hurt your car nor does it affect its performance. Rubbish affects the environment in more ways than one. Litter is a serious pollution issue that affects our waterways, coastline and ocean – impacting on wildlife, human health and the marine environment. Junk food affects your energy levels resulting in poor performance. Eating garbage also leads to obesity and a range of attendant health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. If you think rubbish in your car is unsightly, check out what junk food is doing to your behind!

So next time you eat junk, don’t be a tosser, do yourself a favour and go for a walk to the farthest bin, and dispose of that litter properly.

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