Coffs Harbour Basketball

Coffs Harbour Basketball Review

Do you live in the mid-north coast region and have mad basketball skills? Are you thinking about taking your talents to the Coffs Coast? We’ll if you’re seriously considering it, then stop right now. Coffs Harbour basketball is just plain pedestrian, and it has been for over 10 years, which is about how long I’ve…

Get up and move!

Get up and move!

The human body is an amazing collection of various complex systems and sub-systems. It’s designed with movement and a lot of it in mind. Not just simple movements, but movements that are intense enough to cause muscle contractions. You see, prolonged periods of inactivity can be harmful to your health because you’re depriving yourself of…

Aerobic vs Anaerobic Workout

Aerobic vs anaerobic workout

Aerobic (cardio e.g. running) exercise is a very popular due to the fact that you lose massive amounts of calories during the exercise itself. Anaerobic (interval training e.g. weight lifting) exercise on the other hand, burns less calories during the workout in comparison, but is partly offset by the higher increase in caloric expenditure that…

Strength Training for Healthy Bones

Evidence has shown that weightlifting two or three times a week appear to stimulate bone formation. It is believed that the forces of muscle pulling against bone triggers the development. People of any age can benefit from strength training because bone density can actually increase and not just slow its loss. If you think that…

The importance of recovery

Recovery is a facet in training that a lot of people ignore. I’m guessing that people think that they have to constantly be in motion in order to progress. They forget that that the human body, as resilient as it can be, has limits. Recovery after training is required during the process of muscle and…

You’re doing it wrong

It comes as no surprise to me that people who have no regard for the environment and litter usually have no respect for their own body. They’d much rather toss rubbish out of their car and into the environment in order to keep their car clean. Guess what? If you’re one of them, then you’re…