Home gym

Train, hail or shine

Nothing gets me more annoyed than to hear someone say that he/she don’t have time to train 30 mins, 3 times a week. Really? You can’t spare 1.5 hours a week for your personal wellbeing. I bet you spend more than 1.5 hours sitting down watching TV or playing with your mobile phone. It’s a…

Get up and move!

Get up and move!

The human body is an amazing collection of various complex systems and sub-systems. It’s designed with movement and a lot of it in mind. Not just simple movements, but movements that are intense enough to cause muscle contractions. You see, prolonged periods of inactivity can be harmful to your health because you’re depriving yourself of…

Aerobic vs Anaerobic Workout

Aerobic vs anaerobic workout

Aerobic (cardio e.g. running) exercise is a very popular due to the fact that you lose massive amounts of calories during the exercise itself. Anaerobic (interval training e.g. weight lifting) exercise on the other hand, burns less calories during the workout in comparison, but is partly offset by the higher increase in caloric expenditure that…


1st of Movember

Staying true to the mantra of xBYx.co, I’ve enlisted as a Movember bro for the first time. If you want to help the cause and make a difference, then please follow the link below and donate. My Mo Space Thank you.