I do love KFC!

But I hate what it does to my mind, body and soul. Waking up with a mild hangover on a Sunday morning after a night out prompted me to seek out takeaway food. My junk of choice on that particular day was KFC, a 3 piece feed with an upsized serving of chips (extra chicken…

Wilting vegetables but still more nutritious than a Lean Cuisine

If you can’t eat it, juice it

We all know we should be eating more vegetables, especially green ones. For most of us, this is an almost impossible task because they don’t taste so good. It’s too bad because vegetables are full of micronutrients that our body so desperately needs in order to develop, repair and protect. In our current society, we…

Varied Nutrition

Do my protein requirements increase while weight training?

No. Protein requirements do not increase while weight training. There is no evidence to suggest that supplements are required for strength gain or optimal muscle growth. In fact, strength training actually trains the body to become more efficient in the use of protein, which reduces the dietary protein requirement. Strength-trained athletes should consume protein consistent with…

Wilting vegetables but still more nutritious than a Lean Cuisine

“Starvation” is making us fat

With the abundance of processed food on offer in the supermarket shelves and limited supply of fresh whole food, it’s becoming more and more difficult to make the right choices when it comes to eating right. Coupled with the fact that most food processing methods strip the nutrients out of wholefoods, we’re basically presented with…


Hunger is a disease

Hunger is a recurring disease that must be treated properly in order to avoid complications later on. It must be treated with a variety of natural, clean, preferably organic food and water. The problem that most people have is that they treat this illness incorrectly. The most common mistakes people make in regards to hunger…

Piggy Back

The benefits of inconvenience

Let’s face it, we’re all becoming too dependent and it’s making us vulnerable. Let me explain. There’s a simple blueprint that big companies follow when it comes to providing products and services. I got a copy of the blueprint and it reads: “Make it better.” How do they make it better? Well that depends on the product or…

Losing fat while she sleeps

Burn fat while you sleep

It’s one of those things that sound too good to be true but your body is probably already burning fat while you sleep to a certain degree. The trick is to maximise the efficiency of the fat burning phase. Our body stores energy as glycogen in our liver and muscles as the secondary long term…


Top 5 reasons why you should avoid sugar

  1. Eating sugar increase your insulin level The higher your insulin, the more likely you are to store fat because insulin is the main hormone that puts fat into fat cells. Anything that drives insulin up will drive weight gain. 2. Sugar can accelerate ageing When you paint your barbecued meat with barbecue sauce,…