
1st of Movember

Staying true to the mantra of, I’ve enlisted as a Movember bro for the first time. If you want to help the cause and make a difference, then please follow the link below and donate. My Mo Space Thank you.

Leg of Lamb

Saturated Fat Paranoia

This is Part 1 of a great series aired in an ABC1 TV show called Catalyst that challenges the idea that dietary fat and cholesterol are to blame when it comes to heart disease. Click the following link to watch the video. Catalyst: Heart of the Matter Part 1 – Dietary Villains – ABC TV…


Why are so many people fat?

The answer to this question is pretty obvious. In today’s society, gluttony and overindulgence are accepted and celebrated. In Australia, like America, we got accustomed to seeing fat people everywhere. You see someone in shape and think, what’s wrong with that person. Tables have been turned in a way that jokes have evolved from “You’re…

Strength Training for Healthy Bones

Evidence has shown that weightlifting two or three times a week appear to stimulate bone formation. It is believed that the forces of muscle pulling against bone triggers the development. People of any age can benefit from strength training because bone density can actually increase and not just slow its loss. If you think that…

The importance of recovery

Recovery is a facet in training that a lot of people ignore. I’m guessing that people think that they have to constantly be in motion in order to progress. They forget that that the human body, as resilient as it can be, has limits. Recovery after training is required during the process of muscle and…

You’re doing it wrong

It comes as no surprise to me that people who have no regard for the environment and litter usually have no respect for their own body. They’d much rather toss rubbish out of their car and into the environment in order to keep their car clean. Guess what? If you’re one of them, then you’re…

Chicken egg

The humble egg

For as long as I can remember, egg has been vilified because it was believed that too much consumption can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The traditional food pyramid told us to eat no more than two eggs per week! The reason behind this is because one large egg has about 186 mg of…

Man Chest

Training basics

  In my personal experience compound weight training programs that are based on supercompensation are the ones that work best. These types of training gradually increase weight load as you progress. A training day is followed by a day of recovery. Supercompensation is the process when your fitness level increases, which occurs after the recovery…

Woman doing pilates

The basics of exercise and nutrition

Life is complicated enough so I believe our training regime should be simple. It doesn’t help that there are millions of exercise references out there that glamorises training and sustenance. All of a sudden, exercise is sexy, and training moves are complicated, and becoming more difficult to execute. Food supplements are packaged in plastic tubs…

Cholesterol Check

How fat is your blood?

There’s this fatty substance found in our blood called cholesterol which plays an essential role in how every cell in our body works. By now, I hope, that we all know that too much cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are two types of cholesterol floating around in our…